Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Party

So our branch had the Halloween Party tonight, at it was a ton of fun. Michala Bernal planned it, and she did a GREAT job! Thanks Michala! Any way, By the time that we remembered our camera, costumes were already being shed, at least the most uncomfortable ones. So we didn't get pictures of very many, but the costumes were creative, and so fun!

We also had a chili cookoff for the party, and were asked to come up with good names, so we made the chili recipe from Jamie, at , and we named it "Sleeping Alone Tonight." We were going to just open a few cans of Castlebury Chili, but decided to give this one a try. It was pretty good. We didn't taste it until we got to the party, since I am always afraid of my own cooking!

Here is one of the creative
costumes from
our neighbor,
Will Weigt.
He is a cereal

Some of the other cute costumes, left to right, Alicia Wood was mama bear, Maddie Chambers Tinkerbell, Chelsea Chambers Wendy, and Craig Chambers Peter Pan or Robin Hood, depending on which child you asked!

We were in charge of the doughnut eating. Not actually eating the doughnuts, but making it difficult for others to eat the doughnuts. President Wilkinson, the branch president, got in on the action too, and drove all of his participants crazy! He kept moving it on them. It was pretty funny! I was much nicer. TO the left is Joyce Karl, a single sister in our branch, and to the right is Clara Cook. What a fun night it was!!

After all of the games we had a trunk or treat. The few things that we had planned for our trunk ended up not working, (that's what we get for buying cheap things) so I made do with what I had. We had some reusable green grocery bags, and several flashlights. So I turned that bags upside down and put them over the flashlights, and it wasn't too bad!

I forgot to put this on yesterday. Mark won the "Most Macho Costume" prize, and a great prize it is!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


After much searching, I finally found my Halloween costume, in my closet. At least part of it. We were not going to do Halloween this year, but our branch is having a Halloween party, and so we have to now. So, I got Roslyn's costume, which is Tinkerbell, and since Roslyn is my little sidekick, I decided to be Peter Pan. Not very convincing, I know, but it is the idea that counts!So here are some of the pictures. The top is one of my maternity tops. Thank goodness I didn't throw them out like I was going to!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Weanie Roast!

I had to put this on here, because all of our Daschunds have always loved roasting in front of the fire... er, heater. So funny!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy Halloween!

So, we finally got Roslyn's costume. She hates it! Figures. Any way, her little sweater that we had for her kept falling of, so we got her a new one, that fits way better. She is just so odd shaped! I thought us women were the only ones that had troubles trying to find clothes that fit right. So this is her new pink sweater, and her cute Tinkerbell costume.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies

So, I have noticed that everyone puts recipes on their blogs, and so, to fit in I have decided to add my own. Actually, it's not my own, it is my sis-in-law's/everyone else's recipe. But Mark and I love it because it is so easy! Even I like to bake it, and I hate even walking into the kitchen, let alone doing something in it! So here it is:

1 spice cake mix

1 small can of pumpkin

yummy chocolate chips (Ghirardelli is our favorite!)

Mix it all together, and bake at 400 for about 12 minutes. Don't make the mistake that I did, and mix the cake ingredients and then put the pumpkin in. All you need is what is in the box. Like I said, I don't venture into the kitchen much! Enjoy, we love these!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Funny Baby Instructions

Some of our friends posted this on their blog, and we thought it was hilarious, so we had to share. The instructions are very helpful! We'll be prepared if we ever have a baby. Baby Care Instructions

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What's going on in the Stewart house

So, since I haven't posted anything personal for a little while, I thought I would do a little journal entry. Mark and I are still plunging through school. Mark can faintly see the light, while I can't see anything but books! My term will be over in about 3 weeks, and Mark is having his fall break next week, which will be great! Since it has gotten colder, Roslyn spends most of her time trying to get under something, even us, to warm up. She just sits around shivering on us.

The best part is that she finds her kennel to be the warmest spot, so she doesn't fight us on going in it anymore. She doesn't fight us when we put her sweater or jacket on either. Funny!

Here she is in her winter coat.

We are also trying to find a new place to call home. We have been searching for houses all over Omaha. Hopefully we will find something soon. We'll keep everyone posted. Here are a few of the houses we are considering going to look at right. Of course, the second house is a little out of our price range!

Only $765,000. Maybe Warren Buffet will buy it for us.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Proposition 8

Hey Everyone,
we had this brought to our attention by some of our friends and want it brought to the attention of many more about this proposition in California. Please read about this because it can and most likely will spread to all other states. There are many other resources that you can find elsewhere, but here are a few things that you can read to understand a bit better what is going on.

Here is a website concerning Proposition 8 made by the LDS Church. Click on the button below.

Preserving the Divine Institution of Marriage

If Proposition 8 passes:
1. Same sex couples will receive the same benefits. Proponents of proposition 8 argue that the amendment will not eliminate civil union benefits, including tax benefits and hospital visits. The amendment will only allow citizens to be better able to distinguish between the different institutions (heterosexual and same sex ceremonies).

If Proposition 8 does not pass:
2. Traditional marriage may have less significance and given less respect within the society and future generations.
3. Public Schools will, according to the defined law, legally teach public students the definition of “marriage”. This practice may very well affect separation of church and state. If marriage includes same sex couples then students whose parents differ in belief of same sex marriage will be taught in conflict to the belief.
4. Churches may be hindered from practicing ceremonies according to their own beliefs. Churches that refuse to perform marriages for same sex coupled may be qualified for state penalties. For example, Churches that only perform marriages between one man and one woman may be threatened to face the possibility of being excluded from state tax exemption.
5. Religious organizations may be restricted from teaching narrow definitions of marriage in church gatherings. And may be compelled to teach the state definition of marriage.
6. As a result of the definition of marriage to include same sex couples, Churches that refuse to participate may lose state benefits or certain freedoms of religion.Adoption agencies that believe only in heterosexual marriage may be compelled by law to give same sex couples equal rights for children to be adopted.

These things are already happening in Massachusetts where same gender marriage is Legal:

And here is a video of Elder Bednar from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints talking about Proposition 8:

Now that you have seen some of this, take action! Some things that you can do is put it on your blogs, email it to all of your friends and family so they can share with others, if you are in california...hopefully it is clear what you can do, and if you are in the position to, donate to the cause.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Roslyn vs Geese

Roslyn attacking the geese. We thought it would be the other way around!

Making! sure those geese know she is there!

Look at those geese fly!

Roslyn is not too far behind!
She has been such a joy and is always sure to keep us entertained.