Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mark and Ginny NEED!

So, I saw this on my friends blog, and I thought it was pretty funny. So, I am going to copy it here.

It works like this: Go to your favorite search engine, type in your first name and then "needs" and see what you get!

Our search pulled up quite a mix; here are some of the most interesting results:

Mark needs:
Marks needs: a chick

Marks needs: another haircut

Marks needs: your help!

Marks needs: to post more

Marks needs: some taking care of...who should do it?

Marks needs: a cyberface

Marks needs: new bindings sale

Marks needs: reminding...Why do people like dogs?

Marks needs: a title

Marks needs: attitude adjustment

Ginny needs:
Ginny needs: to be next to Harry. (I guess that is my nickname for Mark)

Ginny needs: to stay

Ginny needs: a forever home. (am I a dog or something?)

Ginny needs: help with this family!

Ginny needs:to go

Ginny needs: a new pair of shoes (for real!)

Ginny needs: to be in Sacramento fighting (hmm)

Ginny needs: to get a mailer out that addresses the scurrious lies that the NRCC and, by tacit agreement, Fitzpatrick is spreading (funny!)

Ginny needs: your written permission

Ginny needs: to learn how to match her clothes (as if I care!)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Yin Yang

It looks like our dogs are Taoists. Now Yang is snoring soundly! We fear that the other parent of Polly might have been American Bulldog. If so, YIKES! Hopefully Yin survives!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Missouri or Alaska?

So, we have been thinking a lot about where we will end up after Mark graduates. Well, I have been, at least. So we have two places in mind. Missouri, or Alaska. We have heard from many little birds that Alaska pharmacists make a lot of money, so we are thinking about that so that we can get out of school debt quickly. Also, if there are no little bambinos, then we would definitely be up to the adventure! If not, then we will probably end up in Springfield, MO.

So we can look forward to either this:

Or this:

Monday, January 12, 2009

Along Came Polly

What were we thinking? I really don't know, but here is our newest addition. For some reason we wanted another big chore to clean up on a minute by minute basis, because we got another puppy last week. She is only 10 weeks old, so she is not house trained, and if left to it, she would eat like a horse. Very glutenous. She is super cute, though, and Roslyn loves rough housing with her. We got her, like Roslyn, from a rescue. She is a Jack Russell mixed with something else, I think a pig. I call her Piglet. She is so fat that she can't even scratch herself. The rescue that she was at just let her eat all the time, whatever she wanted. So, without further ado, her is our new little cutie, Polly! The pictures are a little fuzzy, because the little thing can't sit still.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Disgustingly Funny!

Since I have been sick, I have been using tons of chap stick, since I can no longer breath through my snot filled nose. I have at least one stick of it in different locations throughout the house.

While we were in Utah we had Roslyn stay at a kennel. We went to pick her up, and she had a huge spot on her nose that was really raw. They told us it was something she had done. Sounds fishy, right? Well any way, we looked up what to put on it and chap stick was suggested. So we got one of our many sticks and labeled it Dog in big black letters.
So last night as I was half asleep in front of the tv I reached over to the end table and grabbed the chap stick on there. I smeared it all over my lips. As I was about to lick my lips as I usually do, I noticed the big D on the lid that I was just putting back on. Totally disgusted, I turned the chap stick on it's side, and yep, right there in Dark black writing, Dog's!

I think that was worse than any of the face licks she has ever given me!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Sick of Being Sick

So, welcome home to me, I get sick the day after getting here. Yeah. So, I would blog everything that we did while in Utah, which was really a fun visit, but my head is still spinning, and I still feel like crap. So all I feel like doing is changing the background and letting everyone know that I feel terrible. You know, misery loves company and all.

PS, my Mom gave me a new pillow for Christmas. I love it, and it has become my new best friend. I tote it around with me so that I can lay my poor sick head on it where ever I am in the house. Thanks, Mom!