Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, August 24, 2012

38 week update

Yup, still pregnant.  I had a doctor's appointment yesterday.  He said I am 2 cm dilated, and 70% effaced.  Doctor Johansen estimates that Max now weighs over 8 pounds, and so he is going to do an ultrasound on Tuesday to make sure Max is not getting too big.  He doesn't like his patients having 10 pound babies.  I think it really concerned him when Traci told him that her youngest was 10 pounds 11 ounces when he was born.

Oh yeah, I don't think I  mentioned that Traci is here, and has been for a week.  Time has definitely been flying by much faster since she got here.  She is very anxious to hold Max, and so since he isn't here yet, she has been spoiling my dogs rotten.  Literally.  I worry that when she leaves they will be unbearable, especially Roslyn.  She even lets Ros sleep with her.  I go into their room in the morning to get Ros out, take her out to go to the bathroom, then Ros runs right back up and climbs back in bed with Traci.

Back to Max.  Tuesday I will have an ultrasound done to look at Max"s size, and to check the amniotic fluid levels.  If he is looking like a normal sized baby, then we will plan to be induced September 4.  I never thought I would choose to be induced, but after 2 weeks of contractions, some which are pretty painful, I am so ready to have this baby!  If he is looking bigger, Doctor Johansen may decide to go ahead and induce earlier, to decrease the risk of having to have a cesarean. 

So I decided to go ahead and do pictures again, even though I am as big as a HOUSE!  I didn't feel like getting dressed up, so this is what I look like on a daily basis.  Sorry!

38 weeks 2 days pregnant with Max

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

38 weeks, and still no baby

So, I am 38 weeks today.  I have to say, I am feeling a bit discouraged.  My doctor told me that most women have their babies within 2 weeks of having their cerclage taken out.  I guess I should have known that I wouldn't be like most women.

I'm not sad about Max not coming early.  As we all know, the longer he bakes, the better.  What is discouraging for me is that I keep having contractions, and nothing comes of it.  It makes me feel like I will be pregnant for the rest of my life, and this baby is never going to come out.  Mark is especially frustrated because he keeps getting excited, comes home from work early, and then nothing.

Last night we thought it was go time.  I was have contractions about one to two minutes apart, and they were lasting about 2 minutes each, for over 2 hours and were pretty painful.  So Mark, Traci, and I piled into the car and headed to the hospital.  Not only did the contractions stop once we were there, but when the nurse checked me she said I was not even dilated in the slightest.  Couldn't even fit a fingernail.  I had a really hard time keeping myself from punching the nurse in the face.  Then she tells me to not come back in until my contractions are 1-2 minutes apart, lasting about 2 minutes for more than an hour, and when they are painful.  My thought was, "Um, why do you think we're here?"  I have had plenty of time to read about a million books about pregnancy and labor, I'm pretty sure I know when I am supposed to go to the hospital.

So Mark asked me this morning when I am going to go to the hospital.  I told him not until the baby's head is crowning.  I would hope by that point there would be no backsies, and Max would actually come out!

Monday, August 06, 2012

More gifts

I am so grateful for the great show of love we have received with this pregnancy, and the concern that so many have shown for baby Max.  Today Mark came home with a gift from one of his coworkers, Holly, for Max.  It's a cute little jumper. 

Then tonight we were sitting at the table eating and heard a doorbell.  Both of us thought it was on the commercial on tv, but since Ros was freaking out Mark picked her up to show her that no one was at the door, but there actually was someone at the door.  Our home teacher's wife was standing there with a gift for Max, too.  She also stayed and talked for a little while to see how we were doing. 

So needless to say, we have been feeling very blessed and loved by all who have been showing so much support for us and baby Max, and we want to tell everyone Thank you!

This is the cute jumper that Holly gave us.

These are the really cute clothes and toy and scrapbook kit from the Padillas.

The two gifts from today.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Max's Flagstaff Baby Shower

Today my Visiting Teacher, Ashley, threw Max and I a baby shower.  It was kind of last minute, so I was surprised that anyone showed up, especially since we were so new in the ward when I was put on bed rest.  We have a great ward, and wish that we could be more involved.  Soon we can!

Back to the baby shower.  We had several women show, some I didn't even know, and so it was great meeting them.  We played baby scategories, and mostly just chatted about children and life.  One sister that came is due August 31st, also with a boy, so we may be in the hospital at the same time!  A couple of nights ago I was freaking out thinking I didn't have enough diapers to last more than a few days, and thankfully we received 2 packages of diapers, and a diaper cake!  So, here are some pictures from the festivities.  Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of Ashley, because she was the one taking all of the pics.

I realize now, after seeing the pictures, that sitting down is not a very good pose for me.  So be warned, Yikes!

The really adorable invite that Ashley made.

The super cute decorations that Ashley made.

The yummy, yummy refreshments

Our previous Relief Society president gave us this really cute sock monkey set with a sock monkey, a book called "10 Little Sock Monkeys," and a sock monkey outfit.  So cute!

Another sister in our ward that I had never met made these cute onesies that have the tie sewn right onto it, so the baby can't pull it off.  Also so very cute!

The group of gals.  As I said, I look terribly massive sitting down.  Yikes! The sister in the middle with the white shirt who doesn't look pregnant at all, is due August 31, so we may be in the hospital together.

All the great gifts!

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

35 Weeks and all is well

Monday was another appointment with Doctor Johansen.  Max's heartbeat is still really strong, and he is finally measuring at a normal size, or at least my uterus is.  Things are starting to go faster, and get exciting.  Next Tuesday I have my breastfeeding class, so hopefully I will learn some good stuff then.  Then on Thursday, drum roll...I will have the cerclage taken out!  After that, it is just a wait and see what my body will do.  Some women go into labor soon after having a cerclage removed, some it takes several weeks.  They remove it at 36 weeks because that is when most women start having activity with dilating and such, and they don't want my cervix ripping from the stitches. 

Mark and I both are getting very excited, but I am still terrified of all the responsibilities that I will suddenly have when he is born.  I'm sure I will figure it all out, but when you have as much time as I do to think about it, it gets a little terrifying!  I am still on bed rest, and will remain so either until Max is born, or until 38 weeks.  Dr. Johansen has mentioned that if I do make it to 38 weeks, I can start walking and such.  I don't think I have ever been so excited to take a walk!  The weather here has been fabulous, in the 70's with a light breeze, so staying in and not walking has been torture.  I still enjoy the weather, but I always have the urge to go out and do something, but end up in the lounge chair trying to soak it all in. 

And to the pictures...

We decided to do the photos al fresco this week in the back yard.
Ros wanted to be a part of it.