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Monday, February 18, 2008

Professionalism Ceremony at Creighton

Mark had his professionalism ceremony on September 7, 2007. At Creighton they take the oath of a pharmacist at the beginning of their schooling, instead of at the end like other schools. They do this because they think you should already be acting like a professional, so they treat you like one, and that's why the ceremony at the beginning, and not the end. They don't call the students, students, but Pharmacists, in training.

Mark taking the oath of a pharmacist in St. John's Chapel, which is right in the middle of Creighton's campus. We'll post more pictures of the chapel later.

Mark with one of his good friends Brandon Snedeger. They live directly behind us.

Mark waiting for his group photo.

This is Mark's Pharmacy class. Class of 2011. That seems so far away!

Mark and I at the Pharmacy Picnic right after the Ceremony.

Some of our friends at the picnic. The Snedeger's are on the left, Teri, Noah, Brandon, and Maeli. The Knights are on the right, pictured are Will and Amber. The Knights live a few townhouses down from us.

1 comment:

Jake said...

Hey Mark, thanks for the link, I didn't know you wanted to go to pharmacy school. I am in medical school in Las Vegas right now also set for graduation in 2011. This whole grad school thing is pretty crazy.
Jake Woods