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Sunday, March 01, 2009

Crazy Day

So, today Mark and I received new callings. CRAZY! Yesterday President Wilkinson called wanting to speak with both of us. We delayed meeting with him because we were heading to the Creighton basketball game, although we didn't get in, and then to the outdoor expo. So this morning we met with him and I, of course, thought it would just be Mark getting a calling. To my surprise, he told me he would get to me next. Yikes! Let me just say, I loved my calling as the second counselor in the Primary. It was such a great experience being with the children every Sunday. So, Mark was called to be the Young Men's President, and I was called to be the Young Women's President. The irony is that just a few weeks ago I was saying that these two callings are the most difficult in the church, very time consuming, and I don't envy anyone that has to do it.

We both look forward to getting to know these kids, though, and the growth that will come. Come what may, and love it, right?


Stacy said...

You will both do GREAT at your new callings! I think you will love it! I mean, don't you feel like you are still their age at heart? I know I do.

Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Wow, what fun. Chris and I are teaching the new Sunbeams, which includes my own Bree. But there are 8 of them, and for some reason, this is the hardest calling I've had in a long time. I hope your calling goes smoother than mine has been!!!

Rachel loves Mike said...

Congrats, I loved working in the YW's. At least you get to work together.

Anonymous said...

For me, this calling would mean premature death. But for you, I think you'll do a great job and the girls will love you.

Jason and Rachel said...

I'm in Young Women's also, but just as an advisor! Good luck with your new calling!