Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I got a parking ticket...and then I gave it back.

This morning I dragged myself out of bed, threw on some clothes and headed to the Creighton hospital. My friend, Jan, was going in for major surgery this morning, and wanted someone there with her when they put her out. I arrived, half asleep, at the hospital about 45 minutes before she was to go in to surgery. Should be enough time, right? As I pulled into the visitor parking lot right in front of the Creighton hospital, I saw one of those imitation SUV's that Creighton has patrolling the campus, sitting in the parking lot and I thought, "Oh, that's nice that they have security. Especially with it being so dark."
I walked inside the hospital, noting that there were a lot of nurses running in. I went up to Jan's room, and she wasn't there. They told me they had just taken her down to pre-op. So one of the employees escorts me down to pre-op, telling me how tired he was, as his shift was just ending. He goes in the back, and then comes back out to tell me that they had an opening, and so they had just taken Jan in early. I'd say! 45 minutes early? That never happens at a hospital! They are usually running 2 days late. Well, maybe not that late, but you know what I mean. So I leave the hospital, pretty bummed that I had missed her. At least Mark had been able to give her a blessing the night before.
Walking up to my car, I notice a bright yellow paper on the windshield, and I think, "Gosh, it's pretty early for people to be handing out flyers." So I take it off, and get in the car. It isn't a flyer, but a lovely parking ticket. What does it say? It says that the ticket is because I wasn't parked in Employee/Student parking, and that I didn't have a decal. Good to know I'm an employee, where do I pick up my check? Still some what asleep, (it usually takes me about an hour for the sleeping buzz to wear off)
I start the car, thinking, "I don't want this parking ticket. So I start driving around the parking lot, and there he was, giving some other "Employee" a parking ticket. I pulled up rolled down the window, and said " I am wondering why this was on my window." He tells me, well because employees aren't allowed to park in the visitor parking.
"I'm not an employee", I tell him.
"Oh, I just assumed you were because the license plate frame says Creighton Doctor of Pharmacy" he says.
I explain that my husband is going to the Pharmacy school at Creighton. Then I ask why it cites that I don't have a parking decal.
"Do I have to have a parking decal to visit my friend?" I ask.
"No, but if your husband is a student then he should have a parking decal for the school." he says.
I point to a bunch a trees just up the hill and tell him, "We live right there. My husband walks to school."
He takes the ticket and says, "I'll just tear that up."
and I say "Thank you." even though I felt like saying, "Yeah, you do that!"
Then I drove home, and climbed back in bed.


Alicia said...

That is an AWESOME parking ticket story! I loved it! When is Jan expected to be out of the hospital? Does she want visitors?

Boy Mom said...

Oh Ginny, only you! Love it!

Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Hey sounds like a great story! I'm glad you were able to give the ticket back :) How are you guys?! I haven't really talked to you for a while. I love keeping up with your blog though!!