Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I am a Genius! and such

Well, we survived the Youth Conference Trek, which I will blog about later. I am also pretty much ready for camp on Monday June 22nd, which, I must say, is a miracle! I will blog about that also, later.

This week I received a big envelope in the mail, and thought I would blog about it before I forget my special little accomplishment. I opened the big envelope thinking that it was the statement of financial aid that I would be receiving in the fall. To my surprise, it was not a financial aid statement, but a certificate. Recovering from my shock, I read it over and it said that I had made the Dean's list! Amazing! I am in the top 15% of Metropolitan Community College, which means I am one of the smartest in da hood! Yea me! I'll have to treat myself to McDonald's or something.


Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Wow! Way to go :) You're awesome!!!

Jessica Mason said...

Congrats!!! That's an awesome accomplishment!

Stacy said...

nicccce, deans list! you are amazing!

even more so for surviving the trek.

Amber said...

Way to go!!! Yipee!

GreenbrierAutoAuction said...

way to go ginny! I am staying in AK for another year. It was a hard decision but I am really excited!!!

Boy Mom said...

You so smart! But we knew that!

Lynn Gurney said...

That is awesome. Congratulations!!!