Mark and I have been looking through our pictures to post with our adoption profile. Oh, yeah, if you haven't heard, we are trying to adopt through the LDS Family Services. We are very excited! Every waking second, and even in many dreams, we are thinking about the baby the we hope the get some day through the sacrifice of another mother. If you so desire, we appreciate any prayers on our behalf, and we are so grateful for the many prayers that have already been said for us! Thank you!
Any way, as we were going through our pictures on our computer, we found some videos of my parents that made us miss them even more. We wanted to share some of the videos with you. Here they are!
Good luck with everything! I hope you find a sweet little baby soon :)
Ginny--my friend Lara just adopted their first baby and has written all about their experience on her blog: Pocket Full of Prose. You can find the link on my blog if you are interested. I'm not sure if they used LDS family services but they just got sealed in December. Pretty cool story. We wish you many blessings!
Ginny wishing you success on adoption!I have several friends who have been adoptee mommas back in their younger years and that is how they really gained their testimonies by choosing to give up their baby to a mom and a dad in a loving stable environment.
Congratulations! I hope it all works out. You will be a great mother:)!
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