We have several things going on, so I wanted to do an update. We finished the last of our part for adoption. We had our fingerprints done yesterday, and turned in our background check applications. We are also having our second interviews on Thursday. Yea!
Weight loss has been going well this week. I have lost 2 pounds this week! Yea! I was really worried because I have had really bad shin splints that make it difficult to keep working out. I asked the injury prevention person at my school, UNO, what I can do about it, and she said to use arch supports. I got some arch supports, and now my ankle has been hurting as my legs and ankles adjust. So, we went swimming last night. We both got a really good workout in doing laps, and my shins nor my ankles hurt. Yea for swimming!
So, so far so good!
Good for you Ginny. You guys are awesome!
Just an update to Ginny's update, I have lost ~3lbs this week. I owe it all to Ginny! She is a great motivator.
Good job both of you! Boo for the shin splints, hopefully the arch support will solve the problem. I've heard shin splints are painful!
Even though I workout daily I feel like all my success comes from eating healthier. You should post any yummy food/meals/recipes you find as you go through your journey- I would love to get more eating options!
Woo Hoo!
Swimming is amazing!
Congrats on the adoption process completion. I will start praying for your baby to find you. It gives me goose bumps to think of it.
I LOVE swimming laps too! It's one of my favorite exercises!! Sounds like you guys are doing great! Keep it up :) And good luck on the baby stuff :) Keep us posted for sure.
Well we are def. cousins I suffer from shin splints too. I will look into arch supports. Way to go guys!
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