Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 26, 2010


This morning I accidentally woke up almost on time, I say accidentally because I didn't realize that I had my alarm clock set for the wrong time.  Just after waking up, though, while still half asleep, I realized that Mark was laying on my hair.  Instead of slowly pulling it out, or asking Mark to roll off of it, for some reason in my sleepiness I had a panic reaction and yanked my head.  The immediate consequence was an intense pain in my neck and shoulder.  I couldn't even turn my head.  I only found one way to hold my head that wouldn't bring me to tears.  I immediately thought, time to chop my hair off again.  When I woke up fully I just realized that I hadn't pulled my hair up into a pony tail, which I had started doing from the time we first got married and had my hair yanked the first time when it ended up wrapped around Mark's arm and he rolled over, taking my head with him.

Mark helped me downstairs, where he gave me a blessing, then called my doctor to find out what we should do.  Luckily on Friday I had found the card that my doctor had given me with his cell number for emergencies.  Mark left a message for him, put birch oil on my neck, and we waited.

Dr. Drummond finally called back a few hours later and said that I needed to ice my neck for 15 minutes, then take it off for 45, and continue doing this all day, then go in early tomorrow for him to check out my neck.

So far the ice has been helping, as well as the Birch oil that I have been putting on it.

Hopefully all will go well tomorrow, and the damage isn't too serious!


Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Wow, I can't believe you sleep that close together :) ha..ha.. Of course, we have a huge King size bed, so we can spread out :) Hope it's nothing serious!! No more setbacks. Hope you feel better soon!!!

Boy Mom said...

Ouch indeed! Birch oil? For inflamation? I'll have to try it.

Hope all is well!

Karen said...

I hope you're okay, too. We missed you at church. I'm glad the ice and birch oil are helping, though.