Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Short update...

Well, we are here in Flagstaff, Arizona, and we really like it.  We like it even more after spending a day in Phoenix, which was painfully hot!

On Monday, Mark took the NAPLEX, the North American Pharmacy License Exam, and his score was posted today, and he passed!  Next step, tomorrow Mark will take the MPJE, Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination, and if he passes, he will be a pharmacist!  We are so excited!

And no more of this!


Karen said...

YAY!!!!!! Congratulations. We're glad you're happy and enjoying life.

Amber said...

Awesome!! So Excited for you guys. If he passed the NAPLEX, the MPJE is cake compared to the NAPLEX, so I'm sure he passed with flying colors. Hope all is well, can't wait to see more updates. Miss you guys, and can't wait to get together and see you both.