Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I-680 Bovine Massacre

Exactly one year ago today, a semi towing a trailer full of cattle (42 cattle, exactly) went out of control from a weight shift in the trailer and tipped over spilling out all the cattle. Some were injured, some dead, and others were wandering down I-680 and on into neighborhoods. Officers were called onto the seen and, with shotguns ready, took care of the rest. It was a matter of a couple hours before it was all over and all cattle were accounted for and dead.

Now in memory of this horrific and tragic moment, let us all have a moment of silence.

News report

Thank you for your time.

Pictures courtesy of the Omaha World Herald.

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