Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Yikes, everyone is gone!

So, I changed the address to our blog since it was just in my name before.  Now I think it feels more familial, since I included Mark.  Problem is, I logged in to see if anyone else has updated their blogs, and everyone was gone!

Not only that, the hard drive was bad on my laptop, and so it had to be replaced.  With my old hard drive went my browser history, so I can't just go back and find them.  So bear with me as I try to remember how to find everyone else.  So if I missed your blog link and you care to drop me a comment with your blog address in it, I would appreciate it tremendously!

P.S.  Mark proof reads my blog posts for me, and good thing he does!  I originally typed "bare with me", and he said it wasn't right.  So I googled it, and "bare with me" means disrobe with me.  Maybe that's what I really'll never know!  Thanks, Mark! That could have been embarrassing!

1 comment:

Lara Zierke said...

Good to know. I haven't been seeing updates on my blog list, so I hadn't checked in - I guess this is why! I will have to fix that.