Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Another doctor's appointment

Yesterday I had another appointment with Doctor Johansen.  I don't know why, but for some reason I am always exhausted after my appointments.  Odd.  Any way, we listened to the baby's heartbeat again, and he asked whether I had felt the baby.  I was happy to report that I had felt the baby twice already. 

I asked him for reccomendations for pediatricians (I never thought I would be worrying about that!), and he said, "You still have a bit of time to worry about that."  to which Mark replied, "You don't know her, she has to investigate."  Which I do!  It took me several months and lots of referals before I decided on Doc Johansen.  With my baby, it just may take even longer for me to decide, so I am getting a head start!

Now for the exciting news, we scheduled my next ultrasound, Monday, April 23rd.  Hopefully we will find out then if it is a boy or a girl.  I will have an appointment with the doctor right after, and we hope everything will still be going well then!

Side note, I am having a really hard time with the getting bigger thing.  I haven't gained any weight, and in fact have lost some during the pregnancy, but I already feel as though I am as big as a house.  I can't imagine what it will be like for me in August!  I am managing the leg cramps pretty well, but I am having really severe lower back pain.  5 more months of this!  I am still throwing up to.  I hate reading in pregnancy books that the nausea was supposed to end three weeks ago.  Yeah, right!

Another side note, I just found out yesterday why Mark wants a boy so badly.  He said that if we have a boy first, he knows he will get a second child because I want a girl so badly that I will suffer through another pregnancy to get one.  We'll see...


Teri said...

I think that you are probably having a boy. I remember with both of my boys the nausea last longer than with the girl. But then I always could be wrong, it was just that way with me and my body. Back pain is never fun, hang in there!!!

Boy Mom said...

So happy for you! I was sick until 20 weeks then there were more good days than bad days until I was pretty much over it but the nausea never really goes away.

Back pain, stretching get up on your hands and knees and arch and dip you spine. The Now brand Calcium Magnesium and trace minerals capsules were my life line to avoiding leg cramps and back pain and pre-eclampsia.

Alicia said...

My sickness always started and ended late. Like 22 weeks along late. I hope yours doesn't get prolonged like that. Don't believe anything the books say. Just kidding. There is a lot of good and a lot of generalizations. Hang in there!