Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I was sitting here thinking (I do that when I am avoiding homework!) and I had another "news flash" in my brain. I came to the painful realization that I have spent the majority of my life completely clueless. The sad thing is, I will probably continue this way for the rest of my life. Not that I choose to, it just comes to me naturally. I'm lucky like that! I often have conversations with people, and then a few weeks later it hits me what the conversation was really about. Although I was half of it, I had no idea what was actually being "said".

I am sure Mark is wondering what brought this on, so I had better explain. I was taking a trip down memory lane in all my thinking, back to when we actually remembered our age, and reminded everyone else of it, too. I look at all the people that I knew, or thought I knew, and I realize that I really didn't know them at all. I knew what they looked like, I could probably recognize their voice, but I really had no idea what any of these people were really about.

This whole thought process made me realized how prejudiced I really am. I take a few experiences and form an in-depth, and inaccurate, opinion about almost everyone I meet. Still do, although I try to get to know people better now than I did before.

Conclusion: No wonder I was a loner back in the day! I chose that. Sigh...


Talai said...

So fun to catch up on your blog. I can't believe how much has happened. And, you married Mark (if I remember right we went to high school with him, right? Or am I just crazy? It has been awhile so you'll have to excuse my horrible memory). Anyway, I want to congratulate you on Pharamacy school, well, Mark, that is. But, I always got congratulated for Aaron's law school acceptance and graduation. On another note, I just want to tell you how sorry I was so read about your miscarriages. I have been there as well and even if you distance yourself it is still very difficult. I hope we can continue to keep in touch!

Teri said...

So, at least you don't say stupid things all the time. Like the time I was telling you about Brandon's younger brother going to vote; and what I meant to say was he was trying to REGISTER to vote. How stupid is that??? I was just a couple of months off

FYI (the the rest of the story is true).