Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, March 20, 2009

Mace or Mace?

With my new calling I now have to venture into the worst part of Omaha much more often, and usually late in the evening. Now, we never know what kind of adventure we will have in these neighborhoods. The other night my 1st Counselor, who lives in this area, had a shooting in her back yard. Last night, I went to deliver a birthday present, and when I was walking back to my car a man started yelling at me, "Wuz yo name?" getting louder and more forceful the closer I got to my car.

When I got home, Mark declared that he had bought me something special! Yeah, I love receiving gifts. I asked if it was gift wrapped. Nope. So I asked what it was. Mace. Yea!, I have always wanted a mace. I see those Medieval conventions, and I am filled to the brim with envy of all those mace owners. Well, double heartbreak! Not only was it not gift wrapped, it wasn't even a mace.

He bought me this:

Instead of this:
What a disappointment!


Boy Mom said...

Aww, what a sweet husband, too bad he doesn't see you as a medieval warrior.

Teri said...
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Teri said...

Thanks for the laugh, the part where you show a picture of the medieval mace. I know that the danger is there and it's real, but picturing you mace in hand ready to club. Now that is too funny!

Robby said...

Make sure the mace spray is aimed away from you when you press or you'll see no evil.