Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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Friday, February 05, 2010

ID, please!

A few months ago I had a strong love for sparkling grape juice. Often when I went to the store I got me a bottle.

Every time I did, the cashier would ring everything else up, leaving the sparkling grape for last. The first time the cashier called for their manager, and I couldn't figure out what was wrong. The manager came, and told the cashier, "This isn't alcoholic." Since then, when they finally do get to the sparkling grape, I just point out to the cashier that it isn't alcoholic so they don't waste time calling a manager to make them feel stupid.

What made me think of this was a very funny ID occurrence today at Target. Mark and I were at Best Buy getting a cord for my phone, and decided to just stop by Target to get a bottle of maple syrup for one of our bread recipes. We were checking out, and again, the cashier waited to ring up the syrup, picking up everything behind it and ringing it up first.
The whole time he was pleasant, chit chatting about a guy at the Concessions counter being picky about his latte that he ordered. The guy at the concessions was yelling at the employees, "Excuse me! Excuse me!" The man was so impatient that our cashier was wondering if the guy was going to jump the counter and take care of his order himself.

By that time I think he noticed Mark's odd expression as the cashier was picking up everything around the bottle.
Then he says, "Oh, this isn't booze!" I guess maybe we look like the kind of people that would drink hard liquor?! Then he joked, "We just ID anyone who buys 100% maple syrup!"
Any way, it was very funny, and we realized once again, we aren't in Utah anymore!


Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Too funny! So can you get drunk on Maple Syrup? he..he...

susan said...

What? I've missed posts?

I love 100% maple syrup, I've never been ID checked though. One good thing about Utah I guess.

Funny about the grape juice. Every now and then I really get thirsty for the frozen concentrated Welshes Grape juice.