Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Here We Go!

So, as many are aware, Mark and I have let ourselves go, a little, haha!, since we got married 5 1/2 years ago. As we have been filling out the papers for adoption and we had to describe ourselves physically as well as our health, we have decided that we didn't like what we were writing down.

We started working out and counting calories in January as a resolution. I soon lost about 5 pounds, with only a million more to go! Then I plateaued then started gaining again, and I couldn't figure out why. Especially since back when I had started exercising in 2008, I quickly lost 25 pounds. Of course I then put it back on between pregnancy and miscarriage, etc.

So we decided we would be more proactive about watching what we eat, and we even started the GNC 7 day weight loss starter. So far so good. Of course this is only day one. But now we have numerous witnesses that we have committed to getting healthy and in shape. We expect all of you to hold us to it!

We hope to go from this:

To at least this, if not better:


Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Good luck!! I know you'll feel so much better! I always do :)

Katie said...

Genny it is such a daily struggle..esp with the PCOS which should be more of a motivation to exercise and eat right but struggle it still is! You can do it. I just started back to the gym. Last year I dropped 50 lbs and have put back 45. So irritating! Good luck! Keep it up.

Boy Mom said...

I've always thought you to were a gorgeous couple. I'm all for getting in to better health though.

Good luck.

Stacy said...

Good luck guys! You are both amazing people and will be amazing parents regardless of what your pictures look like!

I've been trying to watch my health also and it would be so nice to have a buddy to share the struggles and pain with! We miss you being close!

We'll be cheering from the sidelines!

Amber said...

Its tough, but I know you can do it. You are both very determined. You'll get there I know it.