Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So, I have been having a really tough time with working out. I have really bad shin splints, and I have been asking around about what I can do for it. Talking to the injury prevention person at UNO, she said that if I quit doing vigorous workouts, and just swim, the pain should go away. So far, it hasn't happened. My shins are still swollen, and they are actually hurting worse. She also said that if they don't get better, then it could be that I have fractures in my shin, and that I should have a doctor check it out. Yikes! I am hoping that after waiting a few days more the pain will go away. If not, I guess I have to go to the doctor.

What would they do any way? Do you put a cast on it? I have no idea. Any way, I have to finish the post because Ros is whining at me, and I don't know why. Updates will come soon!


Stacy said...

Jared says "Do you have access to any elliptical machines? It has helped me a lot, because it takes all the pressure off your joints & bones but you still get a good workout."

Just Us said...

Yeah, I tried the elliptical machine but it did something to my hip that made me not want to use it again. Mark likes the elliptical machine and does well with it. I think I'll stick with swimming for now.