Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, October 11, 2010

Plateau = Biking

Mark and I have both hit a plateau, weight loss wise.  I have been reading up on how to get over plateaus, besides just exercising for 20 of the 24 hours in a day, and the common consensus is to do something different. 
So today I pull our bikes down off the walls, dusted them off, (and there was a ton of dust, sad!) pumped up the tires, and we went for a 9 mile bike ride tonight.  It was tougher than I was expecting it to be.  I guess I just thought that since I used to ride bikes all the time and it was a piece of cake then, that I could hop right on and it would be the same as always.  You know, like that saying about learning to ride a bike, you never forget, or something.  Apparently that only applies to the balancing part.  My muscles definitely didn't remember. 

We rode across the river to Iowa, and north to a park right on the river.  It was a beautiful park, very quiet and secluded. 

As we headed back we began realizing all the things that we didn't have for biking, mostly on my part.  For example, I don't have a helmet or reflectors on my bike.  I was wearing all dark clothes, so I pulled my pant legs up to my knee, figuring that my extremely white legs would be a sufficient reflector under the circumstances. 

Oh, and I forgot my glasses, and at night my vision is especially bad.  Other than that, it was rather a pleasant ride. 


Karen said...

You guys are awesome!

Teri said...

hey I have an elliptical machine that I would love to sell to you or to whom ever wants to buy it (if you know of anyone).

Boy Mom said...

Ha! You crack me up, pulling up your pants. I have glow in the dark legs this year too. You could have taken off your shirt and had headlights.

Sounds like so much fun.

Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Good for you!!! I need to do the same thing. My bike hasn't been ridden in a very long time, and I think I would have to take it in for a tune up! You're an inspiration! I really need to start exercising again :)