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Friday, April 24, 2009

My bout of craftiness!

I have been feeling ambitious lately, and creating lots of things for myself. I have been looking for shorts to walk in that had pockets, and I have yet to find any. So, I found some shorts, and got some old fabric out and added pockets. So now when I go walking at the park with the dogs, I have somewhere to put my keys and my phone! They are kind of ugly, but very functional!

Before the pockets...

After the pockets! The color of the shorts didn't really change, I'm just not a very good photographer.

A couple of weeks ago I realized the reason my geranium, which I have had for a year now, was dying was because it needed more space. I also had some seeds that the utilities company sent us that I wanted to use. Well, I got carried away! I bought a large planter to put the geranium in, put my ivy in as well, and bought some pansies to go with it. Then I planted the seeds from the utilities company in the old pots of the Ivy and geranium. Not yet satisfied, we also got some lavender seeds, and a little seed starter. The Ivy and pansies aren't doing very well, though, because Pig keeps eating them. We do feed her, I swear!

Here are the pellets before we opened them up and planted the seeds.

Mark "planting" the lavender seeds. He just put them on the end of the pencil, and shoved them in the dirt. They were tiny seeds!

Here is my new planter!

Needless to say, my house will soon be overrun with plants. I need my own back yard!


Alicia said...

I just saw some shorts at JC Penney with pockets that are originally $20.00 on sale for 50% off...They had black, gray and a brown color. They looked long enough too.

Amber said...

great job sewing. I love being able to fix things to the way I want or need them. Also good for you planting stuff. Makes things feel a little more homey when you have done some things like that. We just put in our potatoes, onions, and carrots. Soon this weekend our corn will go in. Have fun!!

Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Wow, check you out, being all crafty, growing things and putting pockets on your shorts! You gotta love it! My parents gave me a sewing machine for Christmas. I've bought some patterns of things I want to make, but I have yet to take it out of the box. There are so many other things going on. I need some free time :)

Stacy said...

Way to go Gin! And you said you weren't crafty, bahahah! I don't believe it one second, and this post is PROOF! I mean really is there anything you CAN'T do??? Sheesh!