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Friday, November 07, 2008

Sweet Potato Casserole

So Mark and I both really like sweet potato casserole, and I bought some sweet potatoes a while ago, so I decided to finally do something with them. I think this is my first encounter with domestic life! So, since many won't believe that I actually made this, because it has more than 2 ingredients, I had Mark take pictures. It was a momentous occasion. I mostly did it because it is now really cold here, so I wanted to bake something to warm up the house a little. We kind of refuse to turn the heat on yet, since we don't like to spend our money on that. Speaking of which, we would like to apologize to Jared and Stacy for being so "cold" when we were living in your basement. I think we understand, now. Just put on a long sleeve shirt and some sweatpants! Thanks for the great idea, otherwise, yeah, we would be burning through our small amount of money on utilities! Any way, Sweet potato casserole. Here is the proof!


John said...


Amber said...

Looks yummy. If it is anything like my moms, I pull off the topping and throw away the sweet potatoes underneath. Cause you know that the topping is the only good part of it. ;-)(I'm not fond of sweet potatoes as you can tell)

Anyway, you should talk to Will. He loves to freeze the rest of us out of our home keeping it at a warm 63 degrees. I HATE IT!!!