Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

38 weeks, and still no baby

So, I am 38 weeks today.  I have to say, I am feeling a bit discouraged.  My doctor told me that most women have their babies within 2 weeks of having their cerclage taken out.  I guess I should have known that I wouldn't be like most women.

I'm not sad about Max not coming early.  As we all know, the longer he bakes, the better.  What is discouraging for me is that I keep having contractions, and nothing comes of it.  It makes me feel like I will be pregnant for the rest of my life, and this baby is never going to come out.  Mark is especially frustrated because he keeps getting excited, comes home from work early, and then nothing.

Last night we thought it was go time.  I was have contractions about one to two minutes apart, and they were lasting about 2 minutes each, for over 2 hours and were pretty painful.  So Mark, Traci, and I piled into the car and headed to the hospital.  Not only did the contractions stop once we were there, but when the nurse checked me she said I was not even dilated in the slightest.  Couldn't even fit a fingernail.  I had a really hard time keeping myself from punching the nurse in the face.  Then she tells me to not come back in until my contractions are 1-2 minutes apart, lasting about 2 minutes for more than an hour, and when they are painful.  My thought was, "Um, why do you think we're here?"  I have had plenty of time to read about a million books about pregnancy and labor, I'm pretty sure I know when I am supposed to go to the hospital.

So Mark asked me this morning when I am going to go to the hospital.  I told him not until the baby's head is crowning.  I would hope by that point there would be no backsies, and Max would actually come out!


Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Hang in there Ginny! My first baby, was 3 days past due. Now talk about disappointing. I mean, you know you can make it until the due date, but after that, it is pure torture!! The longer the better for Max. You are so close :) Can't wait to hear all about it.

Stacy said...

Ok this is what I am hoping for you. Your water breaks. Piece of cake, doesn't matter if you are dilating or having contractions or anything, you have a ticket into labor and delivery and there is no way they can send you home. Best way to have a baby ever!